For Us Healing

Scripture Reading - 1 Peter 2:24 KJV

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

In a previous lesson we covered how God is “For Us” in so many ways including salvation, healing, wisdom, peace, prosperity and etc… We also taught briefly on God being “For Us” in our specific “profession” and “confession”. Which means the Lord helps us in our job (career, occupation, profession). God also watches over our words to bring His help into our situations by our confession of faith. We also discussed God being “For Us” concerning our family and/or our household. This basically means it is the Lord’s Will to save all those you live with. We have mention God being “For Us” in our prayers, which is another way of saying that God is always ready to help us communicate better with Him. In this lesson we will discuss God being “For Us” concerning our healing. As we read in today’s verse the Good Lord Jesus took our sins upon His body and soul in the crucifixion of the cross (the tree). There were several things accomplished when Jesus died on the cross but we will highlight just a few. The most obvious benefit/blessing of Jesus death upon the cross was the shedding of His Precious Pure Blood to cleanse us (God’s children, all Christians) from our detestable filthy sins. This is probably the most notable accomplishment of the cross of Christ. Who could ever argue that our salvation from the fires and torments of hell gave us new meaning and great enjoyment for this gift of God. Just knowing we have an eternity with God is enough to bring us to our knees with worship and thanksgiving. However, Jesus crown of thorns represented His physical and mental suffering “for us” also. Remember Jesus was our substitute for the mental suffering and physical pain we were worthy to receive in our head area. The anguish of mental suffering by being inwardly tormented goes much deeper than a physical challenge that can be cured medically over a short time. Sometimes mental sickness and torment has no answer in the scientific institutes. Many victims of depression and possession remain trapped for years with no relief. Holding unto that thought is why we (ihlcc) thought it would be good to encourage all believers that this mental anguish and torments should be dealt with spiritually. Yes, we are specifically speaking about the cross of Jesus Christ because Jesus took 39 stripes upon His Holy Back to remove all sickness and disease for His People. Jesus bore the sins of the world but only those who call upon His Name have a legal right to claim these tremendous blessings/benefits. Yes, the Gracious Lord Jesus Christ did many wonderfully things upon that cross to bring to pass the saying that where sin abounds grace does much more abound. Yes, the scene was very grim and dark for Jesus but it is full of grace and glory "for us". The key is knowing that you have a legal right to healing both mentally and physically. Yes, it is God’s will for His children to enjoy the benefits of feeling good both mentally and physically. Since you are created in the image and likeness of God you were designed to be healthy, whole and prosperous. Yes, the reason we (ihlcc) put these two subject together is because they are co-dependent upon each other. Mental wholeness brings physical blessing because you know what to ask God for and likewise physical healing makes it very easy to think upon God during times of worship and praise. Mental anguish leads to physical marks and scars in your outward countenance having the look of dis-eased (unhappiness). Your physical appearance is one way to tell (a reflection of) what is going on mentally (internally) with your thoughts. Yes, the Lord knew that only complete (full, whole) deliverance is right because removing all sins is only half the battle when you considered dealing with the consequences of sin. The Lord not only removed all our sins but He took it a step farther by removing the damaging consequences of sin. Thus, sickness and disease originated in sin so the Lord Jesus took physical stripes upon His precious holy body as a sacrifice to clear our bill of sin a debt we could not pay. The Lord also triumphantly bore the crown of thorns to give pain free peace and clarity of thought. If the fear of a disease torments us just as much as the actual disease why not be delivered from them both? We surely hope you get our point, which is Jesus healed you totally mentally, spiritually and physically but you must do your part to claim these blessings/benefits as your own. The Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father God did their part to provide salvation of healing unto all His children, now we must do our part to reach up to Jesus in faith (trust) to receive it as a way of life. We receive from God by believing and quoting His Word on a consistent (regular) basis. It goes without saying that we must be open and honest with God doing our daily walk with Him because that consistent fellowship always strengthens your relationship with Him. So never think for one minute that receiving from God is automatic because that is not true. We must draw nigh (near) unto God by learning all we can about Him so that His Promises of Abundant Life and Physical Soundness (healing) will always be only a breath (even whisper) away. So be Healed mentally and physically all the days of your saved life because you know (understand) that God is “For Us” physically and mentally concerning your good health and peace. Amen!